
Fostering News Medway Kent

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Does your young person have an interest in Law?

Does your young person have an interest in Law?

‘It’s important to empower young people and make them believe in themselves because there is a skill-set and unique strength in every single care-experienced person that’s waiting to be found. So why couldn’t it be found by lawyers? Why couldn’t it be us that supports...

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Transferring to work with The Hazel Project.

Transferring to work with The Hazel Project.

Foster parents are the key professionals involved in the delivery of care to vulnerable children - living with the child and therefore knowing them better than any other - and need to be respected accordingly. This respect must extend to the fact that foster parents...

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Useful organisation spotlight – YoungMinds

Useful organisation spotlight – YoungMinds

The UK’s leading charity, fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health. YoungMinds provides young people with the tools to look after their mental health. They empower adults to be the best support they can be to the young people in...

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