
Ofsted Fostering Reports Medway Kent

Ofsted reports

The Hazel Project is made up of two fostering organisations; Diverse Care and Xcel 2000, both of which have been rated “Outstanding” by Ofsted.

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Diverse Care

September 2022



Overall experiences and progress of children and young people



How well children and young people are helped and protected



The effectiveness of leaders and managers

“The independent fostering agency provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the independent fostering agency contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people.”

“Children thrive in nurturing placements and as a result make exceptional progress physically, socially, emotionally and educationally.”

“Foster parents have high aspirations for children in their care and treat them as part of the family. Foster parents are proactive and imaginative in finding ways to support children in every aspect of their lives. This includes children experiencing a broad range of activities that enable them to gain life skills and to pursue hobbies.”

“Children know that their views, wishes, and feelings are taken into account in all aspects of their care. There are countless opportunities for children to give feedback and to be consulted on the development of the agency.”

“Proactive safeguarding practice from the agency’s safeguarding and education specialist means that all children, including the most vulnerable, have a strong sense of safety and well-being.”

“Leaders and managers actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion. The building is a hub where a range of activities and group meetings take place. There is evidence of inclusion around the building, for example, themed rooms regarding faith and religion. There is a system of buddying up carers to support each other. The support groups are a good opportunity to share skills, advice, guidance and knowledge. Because of this, a feeling of warmth and respect permeates the organisation.”

Long term foster care Medway Kent

Xcel 2000

September 2021



Overall experiences and progress of children and young people



How well children and young people are helped and protected



The effectiveness of leaders and managers

“The independent fostering agency provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the independent fostering agency contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people.”

“Children are looked after by foster carers who are caring, encouraging and compassionate. The rigorous recruitment, training and assessment of foster carers means that standards of care given to children are high. Care is individualised and carers are supported by their supervising social workers to ensure that they have an in-depth knowledge of the needs of any child that they care for. Because of this, children experience consistently positive outcomes.”

“Children are well prepared for their futures. The agency provides training to children around areas relevant to living safe and productive lives, ranging from fire safety and first aid to internet safety and keeping safe online, delivered one-to-one by the education specialist. Preparation for children moving on to independence is thorough Inspection report for independent fostering agency: Xcel 2000 Fostercare Services 3 and the child’s voice is heard throughout the extensive planning, which enables them to feel involved and in control of their future.”

“Children’s needs are well understood by supervising social workers and foster carers. They are proficient in identifying risks which are mitigated through detailed risk assessments and safety plans. The involvement of children in this process means that they become increasingly safe. One child said that he feels safe with his carers who skilfully reassured him when he feared being taken away. Carers receive comprehensive training around risk management, and additional training is always available to help boost their skills and knowledge.”

“The agency is managed by a highly effective registered manager who is ambitious in her vision for children and has high expectations for what children can achieve. She monitors the progress of children closely and makes positive comments on children’s files. She writes in a way modelled to staff and carers and that will be helpful to the child when they access their files now or in the future.”

“Leaders and managers provided excellent support to foster carers and children throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and their feedback during this inspection was extremely positive without exception. For example, leaders and managers prioritised the needs of children by taking round activities that they could engage in. Leaders and managers are visible from the start of the recruitment process; carers then feel able to welcome them into their homes.”

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